Today I pick up my friend Mai-Liis at the airport. She is spending a week visiting and teaching here in MO. The past few days have been very harried. I was exhausted(just tired now). My back is now feeling some better. My sinus infection is under control. I have been wanting to start cleaning up for her. Well it didn't start till this morning. I began to work on the kitchen. DH was in the TV room I assumed watching TV or reading. But then I heard a vaguely familiar noise... What's that I hear? The vaccum cleaner running!!!!!! OMG!!! HE's VACCUMING for me. And I didn't even have to ask for help. Mark it on the calendar! Call the all the news outlets... Lead with..."Married Man Now Domesticated"(My DH would say naw, P_ ssy Whiped.)
But I really appreciated his help this morning. At least we got the top layers of dirt and dust scrapped or sucked up.