Yesterday I hurt my back wrestling with a dog that I was putting into a cage.(For those of you who don't know. I also run my husband's veterinary practice. I am the chief pooper scooper there.)Anyway, this dog was a 61 pound Chow-Chow/Great Pyreenes cross breed. She was a sweet creature who just didn't want to go into the cage. I bent down to pick up her front end to place her front feet in the cage so I could boost her butt to follow. Somewhere during that maneuver she twisted and so did my back. It was one of those times when the pain takes your breath away and you drop to your knees. Luckily, I had boosted her butt sufficiently that she was in the cage and I could lean on the cage door shutting and locking it behind her. I hung on the cage door for a few minutes catching my breathe as she licked my face through the bars.(I told you she was a sweetie) After several minutes I was able to pull myself straight by reaching up and grabbing the top cage door. My problem was that I couldn't turn around and it hurt to stand. I forced my left leg to swing to the left and turned my whole body without twisting or turning at the waist. (OK-- now I was facing in the right direction to leave the cage room but my feet wouldn't work!) That shot a paralyzing thought through my head.(OH MY GOSH! I'M Paralyzed!) Well it took a few seconds for my brain to send signals to my feet and legs to start working. I was able to 'walk', it was more like lurching, out of the cage room holding onto every available appliance, wall, door jam, table or counter I could lean on.
I made it to a chair and just sat. As long as I was still it didn't hurt. Ok good, now I know that I'm not paralyzed but I still needed to get around to do my jobs...
As soon as I could I took some ibuprofen and carefully moved about. As time pass so did most of the pain. I just couldn't stand for any period of time with out pain.
Once I got home in the evening, a heating pad, left over prescription pain medicine and extra pillow helped on the couch. I was moving a little better.
Sleeping wasn't too bad. I did wake up several times trying to roll over in bed. I tried to stay laying on my back instead of my usual pretzel position.
It's a wonder what a little heat, a little time,prescription drugs and sleep can do for an ailing back. I still need to be careful on how I move but it is a lot better today.
1 comment:
Take care there my dear, we need to watch every move we make. Hugs JoTee
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