It's a beautiful day at The Artfull Hand. There's lots of sun and warm temperatures. The shop is fill this afternoon with happy stampers doing Linda's 3 for 3. I didn't get a sample of her offerings today. But I have posted another card she made using Rubber Stamp Tapestry Grape Wreath. Linda is very talented and I am lucky to have her working in the shop.
Last week was a bit on the colder side. I had bought some of that plastic that you can stick over a window. There is a window in the rear of the class room that I felt a cold wind blow through last year. So before the really cold weather hit I wanted to shrink wrap that window. That meant we had to move 2 cabinents and a counter top plus all the colored glass I had sitting on the sill. Then I climbed up on the ladder and stuck the double sided tape to the aluminum frame of the window. The hard part was seeing the edge of the paper liner to pull it off. I wear tri-focals, needless to say I couldn't see a damn thing. So that meant that I had to climb up on the window sill.(Thankfully it is wide enough for me to kneel sideways) Then I could get close enough to see the edge of the paper to pull it off of the tape. However while I was up in the window Bev and Sue were frantically looking for a camera. Again, Thankfully, there wasn't one to be found! Otherwise dear reader, you would have been subject to viewing a large rear end percarioulsy perched on a widow sill.
Happy Autumn
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