Friday, March 26, 2010

What a week

Well as you may know last Saturday was the used stamp sale. It was a huge success. We had the most stuff ever! And the buyers bought! So everybody was happy. It takes some doing to get ready for the sale and then the big day. I was looking forward to Sunday and a day to relax. Saturday night right after I got home my husband called me from work to say that he was on his way to the hospital. He thought he was having a heart attack!!!!! Oh brother!!!. Well the lab work confirmed that it was a heart attack... So he was schedule on Monday for a cardiac cath. That showed that his arteries were clean and wide open. Okay.... we say what is going on? After many more tests they finally decided that one of his cardiac arteries had gone into a spasm causing a lack of blood flow to the left side of his heart. The syndrome is called takotsubo. A Japanese doctor named it in the 1990s. The name means octopus pot. The bottom left of the heart swells out. When it does it looks like one of these pots that Japanese fishermen use to catch octopus!!!! The good news is that he will not have any negative effects from this. And it rarely happens twice. Whew! The funny thing is that it happens to menopausal women 90% of the time...And about 97% of the time it is seen only in Asian and Caucasian people.
I finally got to take him home last Tuesday. For the last two days I have been trying to catch up on the 4 days I spent in the hospitals(2 different ones).
It has been a week!

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