Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flying By

Where do the days fly to? Life seems so busy. And what do we accomplish on a daily basis. If you are like me you are lucky to get a load of laundry done or the dish washer unloaded.
I've been working on the calendar for June. I do know there will be another stampscapes class offered just haven't nailed down a date. Jane and I are talking about offering drawing classes. I would love to teach them but don't have the time. Jane is very talented and a good teacher. I'll let you know what we come up with.
I also have large orders placed with two of my general merchandise suppliers. Geez - I didn't realize that I was out of soooo much 'stuff'!
At stamp club Monday night I had a nice compliment. One of my customers had been to the JoAnn's Store on Manchester Road over in St. Louis County. The Artfull Hand came up as a topic of conversation. The clerk at JoAnn's just raved about the Artfull Hand. She said that it was the BEST store in the whole area!!!!! How about that??????

1 comment:

Elizabeth Parsons said...

Hi Dorothy!
I would LOVE to paint with you! I don't have any local artists around that I know that paint watercolors...I do have a small art group that does all the mixed media/collage stuff, but I just haven't been doing much of it lately. I am somewhat obsessed with watercolors at present!