Husband and I just returned from visiting our sons and their wives in South Carolina. We had a wonderful visit. It was also a welcomed break from running two businesses.
The Carolinas are beautiful places. This picture was taken next to a parking lot for a small shopping center. The tree was one of those glorious old oak trees with Spanish moss hanging from it. DH is on the left, then son David(the red head), then me, daughter-in-law Sarah and finally daughter-in-law Debbie. Son Michael had to work that day. My mother was behind the camera.
While in S. Carolina I got to go to the Carolina Stamper, a stamp store of course! If you are ever in Beaufort,S.C. you must find this store. It is a hoot. I have always marveled at how different stamp stores are from one another. Not like the big box craft stores where if you go into one in Florida and need double stick tape. You will be able to find the same tape, in the same spot in a store in California.
Of Course I think that the Artfull Hand is the best store in the US. But it is neat to go into other stamp stores to see how they do things. I even bought 4 stamps RETAIL!!!!! They were ones that I haven't been able to get in at the AH. But will eventually.
Upon my return to the Artfull Hand I had some disappointing news. The trunk show from Stampland had to be cancelled for the second time because of the owner's family problems. We're hoping to get them in - in January of '07.
Voting is now going on for the Halloween Card contest. We got some really good cards. I'm glad that I don't have to make the decision.
Happy Stamping every one. And GO CARDINALS!